zondag 23 april 2017


The Helleborus is welcome sight in the garden as it remains green all year and has beautiful flowers that start bloom in mid winter ( sometimes while the ground is still covered with snow) until end of spring. They come in different variations of  white, pink, purple, and green. 

Helleborus has a lot of nicknames, including “Christmas Flower”, “Hellebore”, and “Snow Rose”. However, don’t let these sweet names fool you. 

Growing hellebores is a worthwhile task for the gardener. Aside from lovely and unusual flowers, the hellebore plant has attractive green foliage that is aesthetically pleasing in the landscape. Once established, hellebore care is minimal. 

Soaking the soil in which the hellebore is growing helps the hellebore plant to look its best. Hellebore care includes removal of older leaves when they appear damaged. Care for hellebores should also include careful fertilization. Too much nitrogen may result in lush foliage and a shortage of blooms.

This herbaceous or evergreen perennial is disliked by deer and other animal pests prone to munching on plants. All parts of the hellebore plant are poisonous, so take care to keep children and pets away. 

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